Managed Equipment Service Contract

Our Services

Managed Equipment Service Contract

Our Services

Financial solution with comprehensive service cover for your decontamination equipment

This financial pack includes your capital equipment, your consumables and all maintenance, support and validation of your equipment. The cost for all these is spread over a set period and your contract is backed by a comprehensive service cover.

What are the benefits?

If you are managing a department within a clinic, laboratory or hospital, we know how budget forecasting can be challenging. This contract includes a comprehensive service cover on your equipment which means full visibility on spend over the contract period and peace of mind that there will be no unexpected costs.

No up-front capital expenditure

Costs spread evenly over the term of the contract

No up-front capital expenditure

Costs spread evenly over the term of the contract

Complete visibility for budget forecasting

No unexpected spend

Complete visibility for budget forecasting

No unexpected spend

Single monthly invoice for all items

One invoice from one supplier

Single monthly invoice for all items

One invoice from one supplier

What’s included?

Managed Equipment Service contract allows the spread of the cost of capital equipment over the contract period. It also allows you to forecast for maintenance, validation and calibration cost and can also include your regularly used consumables.

What terms are available?

The standard terms available are 3, 4 or 5 years. At the end of the chosen term, you take full ownership of the equipment for just a small admin fee.
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